7 Ways to Deliver Engaging Video Content Using Video Brochures

Magellan Video Brochures Are So Versatile

In the past decade, video has become an indispensable tool in the marketing world. Whether you’re a visual or auditory learner, videos provide the perfect medium and can be cut down to minimal lengths. It’s easier to keep a viewer’s attention, and it’s undoubtedly more popular than reading an article or email. The same can be said for brochures.

Think about it. You may have picked one up because of the colors and imagery, but where is it now? This is where promotional video brochures come in handy.

Read on to discover seven great business uses for Magellan promotional video brochures.


No.1 Direct Marketing
People are more attracted to companies that understand their pain points. If your product or service offers something that other companies don’t, then it’s worth highlighting in any video you create. Begin with a hook that grabs your viewers’ attention and then expand from there. This approach is direct because you can create multiple videos for different aspects of your company.

For instance, one video could explain your story and what you offer that others don’t (remember those pain points?). Another video could target long-time customers, filling it with news or updates to keep them in the loop.


No.2 Recruiting
Instead of handing potential employees a piece of paper or overwhelming them with a marketing speech, imagine giving them a video to watch. With Magellan video brochures, you can. All the information is available at their fingertips, and they can even take it home with a business card. This way, they can review the information at their convenience and have a direct line of contact if they’re interested in any job opportunities.


No.3 Training
Thanks to promotional video brochures, the days of long orientations are over. Training videos are perfect for growing companies that don’t have the time to teach someone the ins and outs of the company individually. A video brochure is helpful because it lays out all the information immediately.

Training videos are also convenient as they don’t require everyone to be in one room together, saving time, travel, and other expenses associated with large gatherings. It allows the trainees to absorb the information at their own pace, providing added freedom.


No.4 Marketing
Video brochures can also be used for general marketing purposes, such as promoting services, products, or anything else your business has to offer. They cost significantly less than a TV commercial or social media ad but pack twice the punch and feel much more personal. These advertisements can be supplemented with printed pages and other products that pair with your video. Moreover, your video can be optimized for social media platforms.


No.5 Promotional Campaigns
Magellan promotional video brochures are perfect for promoting new products or limited edition items you might be selling or offering. They’re easy to customize and come with many options depending on what you’re marketing. The Bespoke video brochure design allows you to create anything from an out-of-the-box idea to a display panel that can be set anywhere. The only limit to the design is your imagination.


No.6 Video Mailers
Much like direct marketing, you can target specific audience members with a video mailer. This approach reaches further as you can create event invitations or simple reminders of upcoming events. You can display any luxury with presentation boxes that play your video automatically when opened or create a package with different items inside. No matter the event or promotion, a custom-made video mailer shows that you put time and thought into promoting your product and ensuring the best possible version reaches your audience.


No.7 Update Existing Customers
Sometimes you want to update customers on your latest activities but want to step it up from the usual email or postcard. That’s where video mailers are perfect. Instead of sending a typical marketing or update email, deliver a video mailer filled with all the essential news you want to share. This memorable approach shows your customers that they are valued and play a vital role in your company’s success.


Remember These Ideas When Creating Your Promotional Video Brochures
There’s no doubt that video brochures are the best way to reach any member of your audience. You’re presenting them with an unforgettable and impressive mode of communication that they’re sure to share with others. Remember these ideas when brainstorming for your Magellan promotional video brochures. Bookmark this article and revisit it whenever you need inspiration.