Video Marketing Trends for 2025: What You Need to Know

As we approach 2025, video marketing continues to evolve, becoming an even more powerful tool for brands to connect with their audience, convey their message, and drive engagement. At Video in a Box, we’ve been at the forefront of this transformation, helping businesses leverage the latest in video technology to stand out in an increasingly competitive market. If you’re looking to stay ahead of the curve, here are the top video marketing trends for 2025 that you need to know.


1. Personalised Video Content: The Age of Customisation
In 2025, one-size-fits-all marketing is officially a thing of the past. Personalised video content is set to dominate the landscape, with brands using data-driven insights to tailor videos to individual viewer preferences, behaviours, and past interactions. From personalised video messages that address customers by name to dynamic content that changes based on the viewer’s location or purchase history, customisation is key.

How to Leverage This Trend: Consider incorporating personalised elements into your video brochures. By integrating variable data printing (VDP) and personalised URLs (PURLs), you can create video brochures that speak directly to each recipient, increasing engagement and conversion rates.


2. Shoppable Videos: Seamlessly Integrating Commerce
Shoppable videos are transforming the way consumers interact with brands, allowing them to make purchases directly from the video content they’re watching. This trend, already gaining traction in 2024, is set to explode in 2025. Shoppable videos create a seamless shopping experience, reducing the friction between discovery and purchase.

How to Leverage This Trend: Integrate shoppable video elements into your video brochures. Imagine a product launch video where viewers can instantly buy the featured items with a click. This not only enhances the customer experience but also drives sales by capitalizing on the viewer’s immediate interest.


3. Interactive and Immersive Videos: Engaging Through Participation
Interactive videos, where viewers can make choices that affect the storyline, and immersive experiences using augmented reality (AR) or virtual reality (VR), are becoming increasingly popular. These formats encourage active participation, making the content more memorable and engaging.

How to Leverage This Trend: Video brochures offer an excellent platform for interactive content. You can create video brochures that feature clickable elements or embedded AR experiences, allowing recipients to explore products, view 3D models, or even interact with virtual environments. This not only captivates the audience but also provides them with a deeper understanding of your offerings.


4. Short-Form Video Dominance: Quick and Impactful
With attention spans shrinking and the popularity of platforms like TikTok and Instagram Reels, short-form videos are here to stay. In 2025, brands will increasingly rely on concise, impactful videos that deliver their message quickly and effectively. These videos, typically 15 to 60 seconds long, are perfect for grabbing attention and encouraging quick action.

How to Leverage This Trend: Optimise your video brochures for short-form content. Use impactful, bite-sized videos that convey your message quickly while leaving a lasting impression. This is particularly effective for product teasers, event invitations, or quick demos.


5. Video SEO: Enhancing Discoverability
As video content continues to dominate online platforms, video SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) is becoming more critical. In 2025, brands will focus on optimising their video content for search engines to increase visibility and drive organic traffic. This includes using proper metadata, transcriptions, and engaging thumbnails to rank higher in search results.

How to Leverage This Trend: Ensure that the videos in your brochures are optimised for search. Include relevant keywords in titles, descriptions, and tags. Additionally, consider adding subtitles or closed captions to make your content accessible and improve SEO.


6. Live Video and Webinars: Real-Time Engagement
Live streaming and webinars are becoming essential tools for real-time engagement. In 2025, more brands will use live video to connect with their audience, host product launches, and offer behind-the-scenes glimpses. The authenticity and immediacy of live video make it a powerful way to build trust and foster community.

How to Leverage This Trend: Incorporate live video elements into your marketing strategy. While video brochures are typically pre-recorded, you can include QR codes or links that direct recipients to live events or webinars. This hybrid approach allows you to combine the tangible impact of video brochures with the dynamic nature of live interaction.


7. User-Generated Content: Harnessing the Power of Community
User-generated content (UGC) continues to grow in importance, with consumers trusting content created by their peers more than traditional brand messages. In 2025, brands will increasingly encourage their customers to create and share video content, whether through reviews, unboxings, or social media challenges.

How to Leverage This Trend: Encourage recipients of your video brochures to share their experiences on social media. You can include a call-to-action within the brochure, prompting them to create UGC and tag your brand. This not only extends the reach of your campaign but also builds a sense of community around your brand.


As we look ahead to 2025, the video marketing landscape is poised for exciting developments. From personalised and shoppable content to immersive experiences and user-generated videos, the trends outlined above offer incredible opportunities for brands to connect with their audiences in meaningful ways.

At Video in a Box, we’re committed to helping you harness these trends to create impactful marketing campaigns. Whether you’re looking to create a personalised video brochure or explore interactive content, our innovative solutions are designed to meet the evolving needs of your brand. Let’s make 2025 your most successful year yet with cutting-edge video marketing strategies.

Ready to take your video marketing to the next level? Contact us today to learn how Video in a Box can help you stay ahead of the trends in 2025.